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wooden sunglasses, wooden eyewear

“My favourite travel eyewear” according to travel blogger Alex Kovacova

Hello everyone,

what we love the most about our eyewear is, when we get the feedback from you – our beloved customers saying how much you enjoy wearing our product. Without each and every one of you, who encourage us through your emails, tagged photos on Instagram or Facebook, or even just a small comment like or short message. It wouldn’t make sense to continue what we do here at Yacht Club Accessories, if it wasn’t for all of you.

Today we would like to share what travel blogger Alexandra Kovačova, also known as Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler has to say about her favourite eyewear – The SeaCrusher handcrafted in brown bamboo:

,,I’ve had so many sunglasses over the years and all got scratched, broken or just fell apart quickly so I never bought the same brand again as I was never fully satisfied. That was until I heard of Yacht Club Accessories, a Slovak brand making special wooden sunglasses. They are eco-friendly (I am so into green life) and durable.

wooden eyewear, wooden sunglasseswooden eyewear wooden sunglasses

I am the proud owner of an elegant brown SeaCrusher pair and I simply LOVE the lightweight frame and polarised lenses. The brownish/yellowish lenses are great to look through even when it’s getting darker, e.g. at sunset time as they are not very dark and when others cannot wear sunglasses any more, I still can.

And I have to be honest with you… every single person who has ever seen me wearing the sunglasses, asked the very same question. What brand is it? They all confirmed they are so awesome!

Bonus for me? The sunglasses float so thy cannot drown if I accidentally dropped them in the sea. And they also fit with every outfit, both very stylish or very sporty one. Yay!

Bonus for you? Free worldwide delivery, which will come with signature anchor bracelet. So Cool!

Bonus for the planet? They plant a tree from each sold Yacht Club Accessories eyewear. Oh Yes!”

We are very thankful for what she had to say about our product. If you would like to see the whole article and also check our her website, here is the the link. Enjoy

My favorite travel bikini, sunglasses and jewelry

Wish you all a wonderful weekend,


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Category: Uncategorized
Published on: December 23, 2016
Written by: adminyachtclub

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